Established in 1990, Poundland is a UK based, value retailer with approximately 900 stores, and a turnover of c£1.5bn.
The Challenge
Poundland have expanded their retail offer, opening up out of town stores from 15,000 – 30,000 square feet, to sit alongside their traditional & heartland high street store offer. Following a successful launch of these new format stores, Poundland engaged us to ensure the larger format store was being maximised to greatest commercial benefit.
Our Approach
We ran a dual qualitative / quantitative research programme. Our team conducted accompanied shops, store exit interviews and depth interviews. These were augmented by online quantitative surveys amongst relevant national audiences.
The Outcome
We were able to identify not only which areas in the stores were initially not working suffciently hard for the business, but also how consumer expectations going in store needed to be updated in order to maximise sales opportunities in this new environment. Our findings fed into board level decision making to tweak the offer, and continue in full confidence.