In-store Environment

SPAR is a international company providing branding, supplies and support services for independently owned and operated food retail stores. It was founded in the Netherlands in 1932 and as of 2021 consists of 13,623 stores in 48 countries, with revenues in excess of €40bn.

The Challenge
Following our work with SPAR, and their lead creative & strategy agency, Genesis, to develop a motivating and standout proposition within the convenience retail sector, we were approached by SPAR to ensure the articulation of the proposition landed as desired, in store, in order to maximise sales conversion.

Our approach
Alongside SPAR’s lead creative agency, Genesis, we conducted a suite of online qualitative power groups with both loyal customers, and less frequent visitors to SPAR. We employed techniques to uncover largely system 1, and instinctive reactions to the collateral that would feature in store, of progressed. We did not spend an age on each asset, as befits the way the consumer is likely to engage with the material in real life. We wanted to gauge real life reactions, and impact on behaviour.

The outcome
The insight gathered enabled refinement of the design articulation for maximum resonance. We were able to show that the new look & feel was both appealing and meaningful for the consumer, whilst also stretching the SPAR brand into new and desired territories. SPAR were able to proceed with the roll out across their stores in full confidence.

Case Studies.

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